Placement Analyzer
  • Get to know the detailed placement stats of phase-I, 2019
  • Find potential flatmates who are placed around the same work location
  • Get an overview of recent placements to help you with your upcomming placements season
  • This website is not optimised for mobile viewing
Placement Statistics
  • International offers are converted to INR (1USD = 70INR, 1JPY = 0.64INR)
  • CTC consists of only 1st year component and ESOPs (Base + Joining Bonus + Variable Pay + 1st year Retention Bonus + ESOPs)
1001 Offers
982 Placed
189 Companies
398 Profiles
16L Avg CTC
13L Avg Base
43L Domestic Max CTC
30L Domestic Max Base
104L Abroad Max CTC
84L Abroad Max Base
10L Mode CTC
9L Mode Base
46 Abroad Offers
11 Days
67 MNCs
16 Startups
17 Locations
8 International
segregation on courses
segregation on sector
segregation on package(CTC)
segregation on package(Base)
segregation on location
Department wise avg packages
Department wise Max packages
Department wise CTC packages segregation
Department wise base packages segregation
Day wise avg packages
Sector wise avg packages
Day wise offers
Top Recruiters by number of offers
Base Packages Distributions
CTC Packages Distributions
Find Flatmates
  • All the companies and their profiles that has visited KGP for its phase-I placements, 2019
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Packages (CTC)
  • Package segregation is done on CTC of 1st year + ESOPs (Base + Joining Bonus + Variable Pay + 1st year Retention Bonus + ESOPs)
Information about this is no longer public due to CDC norms.
  • Sector wise segregation is based on company's sector of working, but not on the profiles for which its hiring
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